WIPO World IP Day Map for SMEs Support Institutions

WIPO celebrates annually World Intellectual Property Day, on April 26th.

This year we celebrate our small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and  their critical role in the economy and how they can use intellectual property (IP) rights to build stronger, more competitive and resilient businesses. The theme: IP and SMEs: Taking Your Ideas to Market   

 We are pleased to inform you that the World IP Day Map of SME Support Institutions is now available at

https://smesupportmap.wipo.int/map and details can be submitted by completing the form at: https://smesupportmap.wipo.int/post/submit.

You will find on our website – https://www.wipo.int/ip-outreach/en/ipday/

  1. A tool to map SME support institutions around the world. SME support institutions will be able to map their presence and indicate the services they offer, providing SMEs with an overview of the services available in their region.
  2. An interactive storyboard, which offers business-friendly information about the various IP issues that SMEs and others need to think about on their journey to market. It is designed to enable users to enter the IP universe and find out about some of the practical issues they need to think about when acquiring and protecting their IPRs as they go to market. Check it out!

Please fill in your information and enter your details onto the map to allow for improved connections to better serve the interests and needs of your SMEs/MSMEs across the globe. Visit our Website where there are other useful information that we ask you to share within your network.

Should you require any assistance in this regard, do let us know. Thank you for your support.

Happy World IP Day2021!


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