Tax Regime
Persons who are earning more than $26,000 per year are charged a flat tax rate of 25%. Those who are employed and reside in Belize and whose total income per annum from all sources is less than $26,000 are exempt from Income Tax.
According to the Income Tax Department, workers who earn between 26,001 and 29,000 are eligible for two intermediary reliefs. The tax policy states those earning between 26,001 and 27,000 are eligible for a relief of 24,600 and those earning between 27,001 and 29,000 are eligible for a relief of 22,600. Those employed and earning over 29,000 get a personal relief of 19,600.
Example of income earning over $26,000: | |
Total Income: Less Basic Personal Relief: Chargeable Income: | $27,000 $24,600 $2,400 |
The $7,400 is taxed at 25% Less: Standard tax deduction Tax Payable to GOB | $600 $100 $500 |
Some Facts:
- The filing date for the Income Tax Return is 31st March, unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner of Income Tax.
- Penalties: 3% of the balance of the tax due for each month, or part of the month that your return is late, minimum of $10.00.
- Interest charges: if there is a balance of tax after 31st March, a rate of 1.5% per month is charged until final payment is made.
- A refund becomes due when the tax payable is less than the tax deducted from income, or if tax was deducted and total income was below the new threshold of $26,000.
- Other reliefs: Charity (maximum is $250); Education (maximum is $400 per child not your own).
For Further Information Contact:
Income Tax Department
Belize City
Tel: (501) 222-4956/4776/4005
Fax: (501) 222-4029
Any operation that is performed in Belize is required to pay business tax, The table below indicates those businesses in which business tax is applicable.
Individuals practicing his profession or firm in Belize | Employee,on their employment income |
Partnerships | Receipts of Export Processing Zone businesses |
Companies/Corporations operating in Belize | Winnings from Boledo, Jackpot Lottery or any other Lottery where the amount is less than $1,500 in value |
Consultants, both Local (Resident) and Foreign (Non-Residents) | Interest from notes or bonds issued by the Government of Belize |
Any person who is in the business of providing Goods and Services in Belize | Rental receipts less than $1,650 per month |
Organizations based on their taxable receipts | Interest on Savings and Term Deposits, if interest is not the income of a financial institution/investment company |
Tour Operators, Tour Guides, Travel Agents, Commissions, Rental, Contracts, Dividends, Taxation of Non-Residents, Fishing, Books and Records of Accounts, Relationship to Sales Tax | Receipts from Credit Unions, Charitable & Educational Institutions of a Public Character, Friendly Societies, Local Authorities, Religious Bodies and Statutory Boards. |
Tax Rates
Businesses, companies, and self-employed persons are liable to pay business tax. These rates vary according to business classification:
- Receipts from radio, on-air television, newspaper business, domestic airline business and service stations (Sale of Fuel and Lubricants); at 1.75%
- Receipts of entities licensed to provide telecommunication services that offer real time voice services; 19%
- Receipts from “Other Trade & Business” (items not otherwise specifically mentioned in the Act); at 1.75%
- Rents, royalties, premiums and other receipts from real property; at 3%
- Income from profession, vocations or occupation; at 6%
- Earnings of an insurance company; at 1.75%
- Receipts of institutions licensed under the Banks and Financial Institutions Act ; at 15%
- Financial Institutions within a PIC group now pay 8% on their receipts, which previously were taxable at 4%
- Gross earnings from gaming establishments and casinos taxable at 15%
- Real Estate agents are taxable at 15% on their gross commissions
- Receipts of entities providing electricity services; at 6.5%
as prescribed by the Income and Business Tax Act:
- Receipts of any local authority where income is not derived from a trade or business managed by the local authority.
- Earnings of any ecclesiastical, charitable or educational institutions
- Any pension paid by any person or authority outside Belize to a retired person who is residing in Belize.
- Payments received under any social security scheme or fund, whether made by a person resident in Belize or abroad, provided such payment are prove to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to be social security payments.
- Interest from any debentures, treasury bills, treasury notes or bonds issued by or under the authority of the Government of Belize.
- Interest payable by any person on capital used in specified development industries or projects
- Interest payable by the Government on monies borrowed by it from, or debts owed by it to, sources outside Belize.
- Earnings for other trade or business of less than $75,000 per annum and $25,600 for professions, vocations or occupations, where the earnings represent the only means of livelihood for that person.
- The income from a scholarship, exhibition, bursary or any other similar educational donations held by a person receiving full time instruction at a university, college, school or other educational institutions.
General Sales Tax must be deducted from total sales/receipts to arrive at Business Tax receipts:
- General SalesTax collected
- Charitable contributions of a minimum of $500.00 and up to $30,000.00 per year
- Earnings Replacement Duty on fuel paid on importation
- Excise duty
- Supply sales by the quantity fuel importer to another quantity fuel supplier
- Funds received as an agent.
- AccommodationTax provided for under the Hotels & Accommodation Act
The Business Tax Return and any taxes due must be filed by the 15th day of each month, covering all receipts for the previous month.
Penalties are accounted for those individual or organizations who do not comply with the filing and payment deadlines and they are as follows:
- Late orNon-Filing – 10% of the tax due every month or part of the month that thereturn remains outstanding, minimum of $10.00 for a maximum of twenty-four (24)months.
- Late or Non-Payment – a charge of 1.5% per month on all unpaid balance from the time itwas submitted to date of payment.
- Failure toFile a return – A fine of at least $10,000 will be charged if taxpayers fail toreturn a file or two year imprisonment.
Taxation to Non-Residents
All non-CARICOM residents, who have any taxable receipts originating from Belize, or in respect of any service provided in Belize, are required to pay business taxes as follows:.
Dividends | 15% |
Insurance Premiums | 25% |
Interest on Loans | 15% |
Management fees | 25% |
Rental of plant and equipment | 25% |
Technical Services | 25% |
Generally CARICOM residents pay at 15% on the same services.
The Department of General Sales Tax is responsible for administration of the General Sales Tax pursuant to the General Sales Tax Act # 8 of 2005. Its main functions are revenue collection, registration of agents and auditing of agents’ accounts to safeguard revenueand ensure compliance.
The Government of Belize implemented the General Sales Tax (GST) on 1st of July 2006. GST is referred to as a Tax on consumer spending, collected in stages; that is, at the point of importation and on business transactions when goods change hands or services are performed.
A business that makes or intends to make taxable supplies, that is Sales or gross revenues of $75,000 or more per anum must register for GST. Where the business has been in operation for less than 12 months and the average taxable sales or revenues is $6,250 or more per month over a period of four months, the business is deemed to be eligible for registration, and must register for GST. (download form)
Scope and Coverage
Generally, GST is chargeable on the supply of most goods and services within Belize, the only time this does not apply, is if the goods or services are either exempt or zero rated. Exempt supplies include financial services, some medicines and medical supplies for human use and supplies connected with agriculture. Some zero-rated supplies are rice, flour, bread, eggs, fresh meat, beans, sugar and baby formula as well as locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables. (View GST Exempt List).
Input Tax
When goods are imported or a purchase of a goods or service is done for your business, GST is chargeable on the transaction. GST on purchases is called input tax. This tax can then be recovered from the Department of GST when a GST return is filed.
Output Tax
When a product from your business is sold or in cases in which your business provides services consumers, if those goods or services are liable to GST, the final selling price charged on the good or service needs to incorporate GST. GST on sales is called output tax.
Completing the GST Return (download form)
The GST records simply consists of the tax invoices for each purchase and tax invoices and or tax receipts for each sale made during the tax period (from the first day of the calendar month to the last day of the calendar month). Information from the invoices and tax receipts are recorded in the GST purchase and GST sales journals. After the end of the month, the totals for the month are inserted into the relevant lines of the GST return.
Boxes 100 to 160 of the GST return is where a registered person will include all particulars of his/her output tax.
Boxes 200 to 295 of the GST return is where a registered person will include all particulars of his/her input tax.
The difference between output and input tax will represent the registered person’s tax liability or credit due for the particular tax period.
GST Visit
Registered business operations will be required to have available proper books and records of business transactions for audit by General Sales Tax Officers. Proper books and records include:
- The GST account
- Books of account (on paper or computer)
- Till tapes
- Credit and debit notes
- Tax invoices
- Bank statements
- Invoices
- Stock-on-hand records
- Vouchers
- Motor vehicle logbooks
- System and program documentation that describes the accounting system
- Charts and codes of account
- Any other documents that verify transactions or entries in any books of account
For Further Information Contact:
The GST Office
Commissioner of Sales Tax
Government Administration Bldg
Mahogany Street
Belize City
Tel: 501 -222-5574 or 501-222-5579
Fax: 501 -222-5513
Web: http://www.gst.gov.bz/index.html
Email: generalsalestax@gst.gov.bz
The Land and Surveys Department, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MNRE) has prime responsibility for all aspects of land tenure in Belize. The department’s primary functions are:
- Management and allocation of national lands
- Registration of Land Tenure
- Authentication of Plans for alllegal surveys
- Sub-division of lands
- Valuation of Lands
- Land Use Planning
- Land Information Management
Structure of the Department
The department is headed by the Commissioner of Land and Surveys, who is guided by the relevant Acts. The Commissioner is supported by two Deputy Commissioners who assist by dealing with technical matters regarding land tenure, policy implementation, and related administrative issues.
To effectively administrate each function, the department is organized into “Sections” and services are delivered through the following Sections:
National Estate
Processing of application of national land, land transfers and other related activities
Surveys and Mapping
Approval of plans and map creation, adjustments and permission to survey
Land Information Center
Manages the department’s GIS and provides maps and statistics to internal and external customers
Determination of values for land
Collects revenue generated by the department’s activities
Land Registry – titles
Registration of transactions in land within compulsory registration areas (Land Registry) and other unregistered lands (Land Titles)
Physical Planning
Responsible for approval of sub-divisions plans and promotion of National land use planning network
Each section is further supported by six district lands offices whose main functions are to collect taxes and rents, accept applications for land related services, and assist in settling land disputes. Though each section has a specific focus,the activities are inextricably linked and sections are dependent on each other to provide the required services to the public.
The department performs its functions in accordance the following principal acts and the regulations made there-under;
- Bills of Sale
- General Registry
- Land Acquisition (Public Purpose)
- Land Acquisition (Promoters)
- Land Adjudication
- Land Surveyors
- Land Tax
- Land Utilization
- Registered Lands
- National Lands
- Private works construction
- Administration of Estates
- Law of Property
- Strata Titles Registration
Courtesy: World Bank’s Doing Business Report
Registering Property in Belize
Procedure | Time to Complete | Cost to Complete |
Conduct a search of the property records at the Lands Department | 1 Day | NO COST |
*Obtain tax clearance from the Lands Tax Department | 1 Day (Simultaneous with procedure 3) | NO COST |
*Tax clearance stamped on the transfer instrument | 5-10 days (Simultaneous with procedure 2) | NO COST |
Property is valued by the Valuation Department | 10-30 days | NO COST |
Justice of the Peace attests the transfer instrument | 1 Day | NO COST |
Pay registration fees and stamp duty | 1 – 2 Days | 15 BD x 2 (for land certificate and registration) + 5% (property value after the first BD 20000) (stamp duty) |
Register the transfer at the Lands Registry | 21 – 30 days | (paid in procedure 6) |
Notify City Council of changes in ownership | 1 – 2 days | NO COST |
* Takes place simultaneously with another procedure. |
Land Tax
This tax is collected by the Department of Lands, and is assessed based on the unimproved value of the land. The table below details the values for each district represented in Belize Dollars ($BZD). Land is taxed at the rate of 1%.
Categories | Corozal and Orange Walk | Cayo | Belize | Stann Creek | Toledo |
Agricultural l30 acres or less | $ 100.00 | $ 100.00 | $ 100.00 | $ 100.00 | $ 100.00 |
Agricultural 31 to 300 acres | $ 500.00 | $ 550.00 | $ 600.00 | $ 500.00 | $ 100.00 |
Agricultural 301 acres or more | $ 600.00 | $ 650.00 | $ 700.00 | $ 600.00 | $ 300.00 |
Sub-urban | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,500.00 | $ 700.00 | $ 500.00 |
Beaches & Cayes | $ 10,000.00 | N/A | $ 10,000.00 | $ 10,000.00 | $ 5,000.00 |
Village lots (1 acre or less) | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 1,000.00 | $ 500.00 |
Stamp Duty/Transfer Tax
Land Tax or Stamp duty or Transfer tax is governed by the Stamp Duties Act, Chamber 64 of the Laws of Belize. This tax is payable collected to the Department of Lands, and is assessed based on the unimproved value of the land. Both Nationals and foreigners are required to pay 5% of the value of the land. If the value of the land is below US$10,000, then the land is tax exempt.
The table below provides a schedule of fees based on the type of transaction for acquiring land.
Form No. | Transaction | Stamp Duty | Registration | Certificate |
R.L.1 | Transfer of Land | 5% & 10% of purchase price or market value | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 |
R.L. 2 | Transfer of Lease | 5% & 10% of purchase price or market value | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 |
R.L.3 | Transfer of Charge | $0.30 on every part of $50.00 | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.4 | Transfer of chargee in exercise of power of sale | 5% & 10% of purchase price or market value | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 |
R.L.5 | Transfer of profit | |||
R.L.6 | Transfer by personal representatives | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.7 | Lease or sublease | $0.75 – $6.00 | ||
R.L.8 | Charge | $15.00 to every $1,000 and $0.75 on part of $50.00 | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.9 | Discharge of charge | $0.30 on every $50.00 or part thereof | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.10 | Surrender of Lease | $ 15.00 | ||
R.L.11 | Grant of easement | $ 15.00 | ||
R.L.12 | Grant of profit | 5% & 10% of purchase price or market value | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.13 | Release of profit, easement or restrictive agreement | $ 15.00 | ||
R.L.14 | Application for partition | $15.00 for each resulting parcel | ||
R.L.15 | Power ofattorney | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.16 | Notice of revocation of power of attorney | $ 15.00 | ||
R.L.17 | Application to be registered as proprietor by transmission | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 | |
R.L.18 | Caution | $ 15.00 | ||
R.L.19 | Application for first registration | $ 5.00 | ||
R.L.20 | Notice of intention to appeal the Supreme Court | $ 15.00 | ||
R.L.21 | Application to inspect the register | $ 5.00 | ||
R.L.22 | Application for certified/uncertified copy | $20.00 & $10.00, respectively | ||
R.L.23 | Application for official search | |||
R.L.24 | Certificate of official search | |||
R.L.25 | Mutation | $15.00 per resulting parcel | $15.00 per resulting parcel | |
(a) | Application to combine/subdivide | $15.00 on each resulting parcel | $15.00 on each resulting parcel | |
(b) | Variation of charge | $15.00 to every $1,000 and $0.75 on part of$50.00 | $ 15.00 | |
(c) | Transfer of undivided shares | 5% & 10% of purchase price or market value | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 |
(d) | Deletion of death of a joint proprietorship | |||
(e) | Severance of joint proprietorship | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 | |
(f) | Forfeiture of lease | No charge | ||
(g) | Termination of lease | No charge | ||
(h) | Withdrawal of caution | |||
(i) | Rectification of the register | |||
(j) | ||||
Variation of the term of lease | $ 15.00 | $ 15.00 | ||
Application for lost land/lease certificate | $100.00 for publication fee | $15.00 for replacement certificate |
Property Tax
Property tax is levied and controlled by the respective city councils in each district.Within the City of Belmopan the rate of property tax is set at 2% of the site value as assessed by the Belmopan City Council. On the other hand, the Belize City Council utilizes the rate of 2.5% of the assessed value.
Municipal Garbage Disposal Rates
The Ministry of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development in accordance with the Town Councils (Control of Refuse) By-Laws 2005 (Statutory Instrument No. 13 of 2005) has declared the following rates for the collection of garbage for 2011-12.
Commercial garbage | $40.00 per month |
Mo’ Supermarket, 5th Avenue | $40.00 per month |
Young Feng Store, 5th Avenue | $40.00 per month |
Ri You Lin, Santa Rira Road | $40.00 per month |
Chico’s Tortilla Factory, 7th Avenue | $40.00 per month |
Circle K, 6th Street South | $40.00 per month |
Felice Restaurant, Park Street South | $40.00 per month |
Sky Blue Restaurant, Park Street South | $40.00 per month |
Las Palmas Hotel, 5th Avenue | $35.00 a load (treess, branches, concrete debris etc. |
Excess garbage for residents | $50.00 |
Pickups/Van | $75.00 |
Large Business | $52.00 per month |
Medium Sized Businesses | $13.00 – $26.00 per month |
Small Businesses | $8.00 – $13.00 per month |
Mom and Pops | $10.00 |
All Business establishments except Mom and Pops | |
First Cubic yard of Garbage | $34.20 |
Additional garbage above the first cubic yd. | $24.20 |
5% penalty on late payment of fees | |
Dump Site Fees | |
First Cubic yard of Garbage | $32.00 |
Additional garbage above the first cubic yd. | $22.00 |
Restaurant | |
Deli/Fast Food | $25.00 per month |
Medium | $75.00 per month |
Large | $125.00 per month |
Hardware | |
Small | $100.00 per month |
Large | $200.00 per month |
Hotels/Resorts | |
Small | $150.00 per month |
Medium | $200.00 per month |
Large | $250.00 per month |
Resort | $300.00 per month |
Shops/Supermarkets | |
Shops (small) | $50.00 per month |
Shops (large) | $75.00 per month |
Supermarkets | $250.00 per month |
Bars | $50.00 per month |
Clubs | $75.00 per month |
Gift Shops | $100.00 per month |
Meat Shops | $75.00 per month |
Golf Cart Rentals | $75.00 per month |
Fruit & Vegetable Shop | |
Small | $75.00 per month |
Large | $125.00 per month |
Banks | $25.00 per month |
Real Estate | $25.00 per month |
Free to enter Dump site | |
Small Vehicle | $5.00 per trip |
Large Vehicle | $10.00 per trip |
Apartments with more than 4 units | $10.00 per apartment per month |
Rooms more than six (6) | $50.00 per month |
Residential | $10.00 per month |
Residential | $5.00 per month |
Commercial Fees | $12.00 per month for small business |
$25.00 per month for medium business | |
$50.00 per month for large business | |
Refuse and Debris | $75.00 per load (14 cubic yards) |
Household Garbage | $6.00 per month |
Small Businesses | $15.00 per month |
Medium Business | $25.00 per month |
Large Businesses | $45.00 per month |
Household garbage | $8.00 per month |
Commercial large Businesses | $80.00 per month |
Commercial Medium Businesses | $40.00 per month |
Commercial Small Businesses | $20.00 per month |
Garden/Yard Waste | $25.00 per cubic yard |
Construction Waste | $25.00 per cubic yard |
White Goods | $10.00 per unit minimum rate |
(Freezers/Refrigerators’/Stoves/AC/Washers) | |
Derelict Vehicle | |
Cars | $50.00 |
Pickups/Van | $75.00 |
Household Garbage | $5.00 per month |
Small Businesses | $30.00 per month |
Large Businesses | $10.00 per week |
Garden/Yard Waste | $15.00 per cubic yard |
Construction Waste | $15.00 per cubic yard |
White Goods | $5.00 per unit minimum |
Refrigerator/range/computers/AC Unit/Freezer – | $7.00 per unit |
Derelict Vehicles | $25.00 per car; $35.00 per pickup/van/other |