Climate Change Resilience ProjectBCCI & IDB Project

Project Update 2020
Proadapt Belize – Increasing Climate Change Resilience and other Business Opportunities.
Despite the past year’s circumstances, the Proadapt Belize project continued to produce deliverables toward meeting the project’s objectives. Notably, the development of the Curriculum on Climate Resilient Construction Techniques was completed. This Curriculum was achieved through the work of consultancy firm, Right Insights, and the Project Steering Committee’s invaluable expertise. Additionally, a Practical Examination and Toolkit focused on Climate Resilient Construction Norms and Standard was developed as a step toward trainees attaining credentials and certification.
Lastly, a workshop for Architects and Engineers was hosted by the BCCI; the objectives of the workshop were centred around knowledge sharing and receiving feedback from stakeholder in the sector.
The anticipated Training Program received endorsement from the Association of Professional Engineers of Belize and the Association of Professional Architects of Belize. This significant support adds to continuous support from organizations such as the National Climate Change Office, Energy Unit, Development Finance Corporation, APEB, ITVET and Employment Training and Education Services Unit of the Ministry of Education.
We are now look forward to the launch of the Train the Trainers Program in August of 2021. This program’s aim is to prepare the ITVET and TVET instructors to deliver the climate resilient construction content to the trainees at their institutions in the coming schools year. This training will also be extended to Private Sector Construction companies who are interesting in building the capacities of their staff in climate resilient construction.
Upcoming Activities:
- Information session for Construction Companies – Find out which program is right for you! (July)
- Proadapt Belize – Climate Resilient Construction: Train the Trainers
In October 2017, the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), signed the Technical Cooperation Agreement for the project entitled Proadapt Belize – Increasing Climate Change Resilience and Related Business Opportunities.
The primary objective of the project is to increase private sector climate resilience in Belize. The project is funded by the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), a member of the IDB Group through the PROADAPT funding structure. PROADAPT was created to pilot and support the development of new and innovative methodologies; tools and business models to help micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean increase their climate resilience and take advantage of related businesses.
The project will develop practical business models and tools to help MSMEs in Belize anticipate and prepare for climate-related threats to their assets, value chains and local communities, to become more climate-resilient, and to tap into an increasing number of market opportunities as risks from climate change increase.
The expected impact of the project is far reaching and includes improvement in the resilience of buildings, flood-proofing of waste and waste water management systems, protection of coastal areas, and diversification of energy services with renewable sources.
The Project will be implemented as a pilot in metropolitan Belize City and in San Pedro Town and Caye Caulker commencing in the second quarter of 2018. The Project has a total value of US $341,500 of which US $203,000 is from the IDB/MIF and the remaining US $138,500 is counterpart funding from the BCCI and its primary stakeholders. The execution period for this Project is two and a half years and the BCCI is the executing agency.
For more information, please feel free to contact the BCCI at or 614-3138