BCCI Partners
Meet the organizations we are currently partnering with to better serve you.

Belize American Chamber of Commerce (BACC)
The BACC is a quasi/hybrid non-profit organization on U.S. soil that merges and/or represents both private & public industry sectors from Belize outward.

Belize Coalition of Service Providers
The BCSP is an alliance of service sector organizations and associations that functions as a lobby.

BELTRAIDE is a statutory body of the Government of Belize mandated to promote economic development.

Development Finance Corporation (DFC)
DFC offers loans for Businesses, Homes, Students, Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Tourism & Manufacturing.

Love FM
LOVE FM is a private radio station that provides Belize and listeners overseas with an in-depth coverage of current events occurring every day.

The Reporter
The Reporter provides you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry.

San Pedro Belize Express Water Express
San Pedro Belize Express Water Taxi Is proud to be the leading water taxi service in Belize.

SouthWest Airlines
Southwest Airlines is a leading travel company.

Tri-County Black Regional Chamber of Commerce
Tri-County Regional Black Chamber of Commerce is committed to acquiring and disseminating valuable business information, resources and tools for Member Firms to achieve Entrepreneurial Parity and Economic Prosperity in the Region and International.

The University of the West Indies Open Campus (UWI)
The University of the West Indies Open Campus is an institution with high-quality university education, research and services available to all people who wish to reach their full potential inside and outside of the Caribbean region.

Connect Americas
ConnectAmericas, the first social network for businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean dedicated to promoting international trade and investment