Implementing a Quality Management System

- December 13, 2019
- 12:00 am
- BCCI’s Conference Center, 2nd Floor, Coney Drive, Belize City.
Event Description
If ISO/IEC 9001 is not in your business certification plans, then the Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS) is interested to find out which other standards such as ISO/IEC 14001, FSSC 22000, among others, is in your business interests.”
As you know, capacity building is an important component for any standards implementation initiative or certification to be able to create a system of quality with competent personnel.
At this moment BBS is assessing and identifying relevant training needs across businesses and being able to coordinate those trainings at affordable costs.
Note that some of these trainings can be done on-site for all company staff or however is desired. At times only a few people are trained in an organization; however, it is important to train all relevant staff in order to be able to systemize the desired quality.
Please see flyer below. If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact Mr. Lloyd Orellano, Standards Officer at the BBS at or call 822 – 0446/47
- 8:00 am
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