Capacitation Session

The Trust for the Americas and the Department for Effective Public Management of the OAS, with the Support of the Embassy of the United State of America in Belize, are happy to announce its second phase of the Open Government project under the theme: “Transformation to an Open Public Administration in Belize (2019-2021)”. The  first phase of the project ran its course from 2018 – 2019 under the theme: “Promoting an Open Government Ecosystem”.

A series of  FREE informational webinars are planned for the coming weeks with the aim to strengthen the capacity of the Belize Ecosystem towards the development of a National Open Government Action Plan. Please find below schedule and attached more details on this project. You can choose to join online or onsite.

Here is the link to register:


Webinar 2:     Development of National Open Government Action Plans; Principles and World Cases

Date:               Thursday February 20, 2020 – 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (BZE-CST)

Duration:         1 ½ hrs (presentations and conversation)

Venue:             BTEC, Belize City

This session is intended to provide an in-depth overview of the standards and practices when developing open government national action plans. What are actions plans, what’s in them, and how to get there, will be all topics to be covered. We will dive into the processes that had enable co-creation, also looking at the specific case of Uruguay, where government and civil society have incrementally progressed in the embracing of open government.


  1. Open Government Partnership: Country Support
  2. Government of Uruguay: AGESIC
  3. Uruguay Civil Society: Open Government Network/Red de Gobierno Abierto

Topics to be presented and discussed:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Co-creation processes
  • What are “ambitious” commitments
  • How does the ecosystems engages properly in co-creation; what to do and what no to do
  • World samples of plans of actions and commitments (including stellar commitments)



Webinar 3:     More of co-creation and setting ambitious commitments

Date:               Thursday February 27, 2020 – 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (BZE-CST)

Duration:         1 ½ hrs (presentations and conversation)

Venue:             University of Belize Auditorium, Belmopan

This session is intended to explore deeper into the processes of setting the commitments for the open government action plans and how these have worked well in other countries. The exchange will encourage participants to think about what commitments maybe of interest to pursue in Belize for the development of its first open government action plan.


  1. Open Government Partnership: Country Support
  2. Estonia Civil Society: (TBD)


Topics to be presented and discussed:

  • World samples of plans of actions and commitments (including stellar commitments)
  • Lining-up next steps for developing an action plan in Belize

Click here for the Open Government Belize Summary

Click here for the Webinar Ecosystem