Business Opportunity – Caribbean Sea Innovation Fund

CANARI Press Release – CarSIF supports marine and coastal conservation and sustainable livelihoods

 Caribbean Sea Innovation Fund (CarSIF) supports marine and coastal conservation and sustainable livelihoods

 Port of Spain, June 10, 2021 The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute’s (CANARI’s) Caribbean Sea Innovation Fund (CarSIF) has successfully completed a funding cycle under the regional project Powering Innovations in Civil Society and Enterprises for Sustainability in the Caribbean (PISCES), which was funded by the European Union (ENV/2016/380-530).

Seventeen small and microgrants, totalling US$92,761, supported projects implemented by civil society organisations (CSOs) and nature-based small and microenterprises (SMEs) in The Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. The CarSIF-supported projects increased public awareness of issues and threats in the coastal zone and facilitated coral reef restoration. They also strengthened sustainable coastal livelihoods in beekeeping, seamoss mariculture and smoked and salted fish production as part of an overall strategy to protect, restore and ensure the sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems for socio-economic development and well-being.

Please see the attached release for more information and for your immediate use. You may also read it here:

Photo: The Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine (FoProBiM) and the Kowoperativ Apikòl Twa Bè (KOOPA-3B) received CarSIF small and microgrants to strengthen beekeeping operations in the Three Bays National Marine Park, Haiti. Credit: FoProBiM


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