How Members Engage

As a membership organization, BCCI operates with an inherent dependency on the feedback and involvement of its Members. To ensure members have every opportunity to engage, the BCCI employs several channels, as follows:

Through online polls and surveys

Whether it’s understanding the impact of policy decisions on members, general member satisfaction assessments, or a simple opinion poll, members are encouraged to respond to invitations for surveys and polls to ensure they have a voice in the design of Chamber positions and member programs and services. Every member, irrespective of the service bundle purchased is asked to make representation in this manner.

Through service on the Executive Council

The Executive Council drives policy and is elected to lead on advocacy interventions and organizational development issues (click here to view current Executive Council). Members at the signature level on up are eligible to nominate a representative for ratification through the Chamber’s election process, occurring every two years.

Business Mixers and General Meetings

The Chamber arranges for speakers and networking events throughout the calendar year. At least once per quarter the Chamber hosts a business mixer where members can interact in an informal setting with business leaders and policymakers, or can use the time to learn about Chamber initiatives and advocacy interventions. From time to time, if the Executive Council desires direction from the membership, the secretariat may arrange general meetings to review matters of interest to the membership and discuss and pass resolutions for follow up action. These occur on an as needed basis and generally not more than two to three times per year. General Meetings are accessible to financial members only.

Sector Consultations

Throughout the year members are invited to attend meetings and roundtable discussions on issues which pertain to their particular sector. The output from these sessions typically form part of the Chamber’s sector issue briefings and advocacy initiatives.

Through service on our Themed Advisory Sub-Councils

The Chamber relies on the wisdom and experiences of its members to support the work of its Labour, Economic and Crime Sub-Councils. These are technical working groups comprised of members and secretariat staff, whose primary purpose is to identify and develop studies and positions on issues which affect private sector interests in the specific policy area. Each sub-council has a specific mandate to advise the secretariat and assist in the preparation of papers to be presented for discussion with the Prime Minister of Belize through the National Consultation Council Mechanism (NCC). The National Consultation Council is an initiative of the BCCI which provides for a closed consultation mechanism between the Government of Belize and Civil Society actors on matters of national import. Members at all levels are encouraged to contact the secretariat or the members of the sub-councils directly if they wish to contribute to the work of the sub-councils.

Appearances on the Business Perspective Show on Love FM/TV every Tuesdays starting from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

The Business Perspective Show is one of the BCCI’s most successful advocacy mechanisms. This radio/TV program provides an outlet for promotion of the BCCI’s programs and advocacy positions. Depending on the theme for the show, members with relevant expertise and experiences are invited to participate in the show’s panel discussions.

Through Ad Hoc Committees and Issue specific advisory groups

From time to time a matter may arise which impacts private sector interests and the Chamber is asked to make an intervention. When time permits, members may be asked to sit on a specially convened committee and/or submit an opinion via issue specific polls and surveys. Invitations to serve in this capacity are typically extended to Signature Members and above.

Through delivery of specific services to members

Members of course engage on a daily basis through the services they purchase.BCCI’s Customer Relations Management

In 2022, the BCCI was awarded an upgraded member management system to further track, record and encourage the engagement of our members.

The Customer Relations Management (CRM) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) assists Employers and Business Members Organizations (EBMO) in building new relationships with potential members. It ensures that the strategy for these engagements and subsequent marketing of membership, services, and assistance is data-driven. It is a tool that optimizes tasks and works, time management, improves internal and external communication, facilitates knowledge-sharing, and achieves high membership retention rates. The use of this software assists the BCCI in strengthening its relationship with its membership and providing relevant services to them to influence policymaking while positively delivering quality services to members.

Please click HERE to read the BCCI’s Action Plan for the sustainable execution of the platform.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry  office or submit a  inquiry online.
If you prefer speaking to someone, please call:
Tel: +501-223-5330 / 5331

BTEC-Customer Service Excellence Training
  • April 1, 2025
  • 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • BTEC Training Room- Belize City
Job Fair 2025
  • April 5, 2025
  • 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • Belize City Civic Center
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