Service Delivery: Handling Difficult Customers

Service Delivery: Handling Difficult Customers

  • February 8, 2023
  • 9 AM to 12 NOON
  • Via Zoom
  • 614-3138

Event Description

The act of resolving issues and converting a dissatisfied customer to a loyal one is the key to  exceptional customer service in any establishment. This workshop covers the importance of service recovery and how to handle difficult customer situations with tact to ensure guests are satisfied. It presents techniques on how to deescalate the most common customer to business situation.  Through hands on activities and theory participants will learn a step-by-step approach to handle a difficult customer.


2023-2 -8 9:00 am 2023-2 -8 12:00 pm Europe/London Service Delivery: Handling Difficult Customers Event Description The act of resolving issues and converting a dissatisfied customer to a loyal one is the key to  exceptional customer service in any establishment. This workshop covers the importance of service recovery and how to handle difficult customer situations with tact to ensure guests are satisfied. It presents techniques on how to deescalate Via Zoom
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