Immigration Procedures
Visa Requirements
Foreign Travelers must have a valid passport and an onward plane ticket for a 30-day Visitor’s Visa to be issued by Belize. Prior to expiration, an application for an extension of a Visitor’s Visa can be made at any of the Immigration Office in the districts of Belize.
Citizens from the, U.S.A., British Commonwealth (except India), Mexico, CARICOM, Costa Rica, Austria, or nationals of a member state of the European Union do not require a visa. All other countries require a visa to visit Belize.
Any Belizean Consulate or Embassy can issue a visa at the cost of U.S. $25.00. In cases inwhich there is not a resident Belizean Consulate or Embassy in your country, a visa can be obtained through the nearest British Embassy.
Citizens of Bangladesh, Bolivia, Colombia, China, Angola, Brazil, Afghanistan, Lebanon,Cuba, India, Libya, Pakistan, Peru, South Africa and nationals of the former USSR require prior approval for a visa from the Department of Immigration in Belize.
Permanent Residence
An individual can apply for permanent residence after legally residing in Belize for a minimum of one year. The fee for residency ranges from USD$187.50 to USD$1,562.50 depending on the nationality of the applicant.
Individuals who are interested in residing permanently in Belize must submit the following upon application:
- Applicant must show proof that he/she has been in Belize for one year by using passport/refugees document as evidence.
- Pay immigration processing fee-Depending on nationality, fee ranges from US$ 262.50 to US$1,500.
- A police record of the applicant and family members over 16 years.
- Marriage certificate
- IncomeTax Statement
- Temporary Employment Permit if applicant wishes to work in Belize.
- Wife’s/Husband’s Birth Certificate
- A recent local bank statement
- A Health Certificate (HIV and VDRL tests) from applicant and family members
- Three recent passport size pictures of applicant and family members
- An assured declaration of support (from spouse)
- Document showings that you have access or acquired land in Belize.
According to the Belize Nationality Act of 1981, to obtain Belizean citizenship, the applicant must possess a permanent residence certificate or have resided in Belize for five years. There is also a provision for the registration of minors along with the applicant.
For Further InformationContact:
The Immigration & Nationality Department
Tel: +501-222-4620
Fax: +501-222-4056